Currently, FL Studio is being used by numerous high-profile DJs and sound artists, making it one of the most popular audio software in the world.

The program comes with a range of tools to help you compose, edit, and mix music. The ‘Declick in all regions’ tool inside the ‘Regions’ option will remove any click or peak that will sound at the beginning of ANY Slicex marker, and the ‘Declick out all regions’ will remove any click or peak that will sound at the END of any Slicex marker. FL Studio is a full-fledged digital audio workstation, which has been in business for more than two decades. If you’re not used to use Slicex (it’s a shame) it just split the samples into different markers that can be launched as different sounds straight from the piano roll or directly from any other MIDI based device. At this point of the tutorial you will guess what ‘ Declick in all regions‘ and ‘ Declick out all regions‘ will do, but we will go a little further. We will focus inside the ‘Regions’ option, which contains several options like ‘Dump to piano roll’, ‘Normalize all regions’, ‘Declick in all regions’, ‘Declick out all regions’, ‘Perfect all regions’ and ‘Tune loop’.